Workshops are only as effective as the engagement of the participants. But what happens when you find yourself working with quiet, shy or disengaged attendees? Whether you are a business analyst facilitating a requirements elicitation workshop, a project manager running a planning session or a team leader brainstorming solutions, this is a common challenge faced by facilitators. The truth is, disengagement is not always a sign of disinterest. Quiet participants might be introverted, processing information internally, or unsure how to…
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How to Create Use Cases
Use Cases allow requirements to be presented as a collection of stories from the user’s perspective. A Use Case can be used on its own or in addition to a User Story to provide more detailed descriptions of how users interact with a system. Use Case Diagram Use Case Diagrams can be used to help visualise the story described in a Use Case. A Use Case Diagram consists of 3 components: Actor – represented by a stick figure Use Case…
Continue ReadingThe Role of Business Analysts in Cybersecurity Analysis
In the age of social media, cybersecurity incidents can cause not only financial loss and legal troubles, but also reputational damage. As cyberattacks get more and more frequent and more and more sophisticated, cybersecurity has become one of the most vital and challenging issues faced by governments and organisations today. In 2023 alone, there were multiple high profile data breaches in Australia, including ones involving a health insurance company, a major telco and a financial service provider. The average cost…
Continue ReadingThe Future of Business Analysis in the Age of AI
In recent months since the rise of ChatGPT, we have witnessed a major transformation in how organisations operate. As intriguing as it is, there are also worries in the professional world. People are wondering: will my job be safe? Will the business analysis role still remain relevant in an AI-driven world? To understand the impact of AI on the business world, let’s first have a look at some major technological disruptions of the last few decades, and how they transformed…
Continue ReadingBusiness Analyst Salary & Job Trends – End of 2020 Review
If you are looking for motivation to stay positive as we are about to bid 2020 adieu, have a look at some encouraging data that IRM Training collected below. Quick SummarySignificant increase in average salary.Noticeable improvement in gender pay gap.3 things influence job satisfaction more than remuneration. Business Analyst Salary The survey conducted by the IIBA® in mid 2020 found that the average salary for Business Analysis roles in Australia was $137,681 (AUD). The average from its 2019’s survey was…
Continue ReadingPractical Training Delivered Remotely (Live)
You can now attend IRM Training courses remotely from the comfort of your home or office. The courses will still be:PracticalHands-onInteractiveRun in small groupsRun live by highly-skilled instructors with 15 to 25+ years’ experience. Compared to the in-person training, there will be: Smaller instructor-to-participant ratio More frequent (albeit shorter) breaks IRM’s Remote LIVE Training VS other online courses Other Online CoursesIRM’s Remote, Live TrainingMode of delivery RecordedReal time (Live)Course contentTheoryHighly practical with case-study-based exercises.Instructor’s KnowledgeLimited / theoretical15 – 25+ years’…
Continue ReadingBusiness Analysis Industry Trends in 2019
As we advance towards the holiday and the New Year, let’s have a look at the latest developments impacting upon business analysts in 2019. Quick SummaryFuture growth and prospect for the role remain positive.Business Data Analytics is now the most sought-after field for career advancement.3 industries are offering top salaries to their BAs, up to 22% above national average. According to government statistics the prospects for the broader business analysis profession are for strong future growth and lower unemployment. This…
Continue ReadingBusiness Analyst Salary & Job Outlook
IIBA®’s salary survey has recently become available to members and today we’re sharing some of its most valuable insights on the business analyst role in 2018 and what to expect in 2019 and beyond. The majority of Australian business analysts have less than one year experience, with the second largest group having 3-5 years experience. Future career paths for business analysts include: Consultant Management Data Analytics Business Architecture Product Owner Project Manager Product Manager In terms of salary, IIBA® recorded…
Continue ReadingBusiness Analyst Interviews
Business Analyst Interviews Welcome to another of our webinars in which we delve into some of the techniques we teach in the course in more detail or discuss some of the issues that affect business analysts. In this session we will go more deeply into the most common technique used by any business analyst, that of the stakeholder interview. This can be one of the most difficult techniques to use, and there is always something new to learn…
Continue ReadingIntroduction to Agile (and Scrum)
Introduction to Agile (and Scrum) Recorded Webinar Transcript Welcome Hello and welcome to our second webinar, which will be on the topic of Agile business analysis as exemplified by the most popular form of Agile, the Scrum methodology. In this webinar we will tackle the popular subject of Agile. This is not a new topic, but it is one which is taken business and information technology by storm. It can no longer be regarded as a temporary trend, but a…
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