Like it or not, every business analyst (and usually most project managers and developers) will have to stand up in front of a group and present. The group might be your business clients, the project stakeholders or just your fellow team members but for many people, one of two things will happen: It will frighten the life out of them They’ll umm and ah their way through, sending the audience to sleep Why is this so? As a business analyst…
Continue ReadingArticles
Mind Mapping Requirements
Mind mapping was popularised by Tony Buzan and is one way to assist in the problem of: Keeping up with meetings because you can’t take notes as fast as the speaker talks Making sense of your notes at a later time (many people say they can go back to a mind map months later and understand the flow and intent of the meeting – and its outcomes) There is no right or wrong way to create a mind map. Some…
Continue ReadingWhat is a Business Analyst?
When this paper was first published in 2003, business analysis was just starting to emerge as a distinct profession in its own right. Prior to this the role was often performed by the systems analyst who would carry out both the analysis and the design on a new system or enhancement. This often meant that a “problem” was made to fit the “solution”. The transition from telling the client what they would be getting – versus analysing their problems and…
Continue ReadingAnalysis of Business Analyst Job Adverts
Business analyst jobs are always a topic of conversation as a business analyst training company. And one effect of the global financial crisis was to put a lot of contract business analysts onto the job market. Many companies cancelled or deferred projects as part of their cost cutting measures. Contractors were among the first to be let go. With so many experienced business analyst looking for work, those employers who were hiring had the pick of a very experienced talent…
Continue ReadingHow to Interview Your Boss
Ever had to interview your boss – or a divisional general manager – or the managing director of a key customer? What about a politician or a senior executive in a government department? All these scenarios can be nerve racking, yet they’re something a business analyst may be required to do on a regular basis. Face-to-face contact remains one of the most effective methods for gathering information, but it’s all too easy to get it wrong. We ask the wrong…
Continue ReadingThe Creative Business Analyst
Many of us are familiar with the process of business analysis – start by gathering requirements from stakeholders then turn them into a specification which developers can understand. These days however, we need to do more than just document the requirements. We need to work with stakeholders and business users to understand their systems and analyse their problems – why do you do it this way, why not that way? This is the real value-add that the analyst brings to…
Continue ReadingGolden Rules for Business Analysts
Like all professions, business analysis has its golden rules – rules that are fundamental to the design of successful business systems. They might seem like common sense but it’s surprising how often we forget them and get ourselves into hot water. Here’s a short list of some of the more relevant rules for business analysts … The sooner you find a problem, the cheaper it is to fix Get the specifications right Recognise the total cost of a system Don’t…
Continue ReadingHow To of Essential Modelling
Also called abstract or business modelling, essential modelling can be an extremely valuable tool for the business analyst. Instead of modelling how things are done (the current system), or how they might be done (a proposed system), we model what is done, or what might be done. For example the purpose of a Customer Service Department is to provide customers with a level of service they expect (or the company defines). Things like call centres and customer relationship management systems…
Continue ReadingAn Introduction to Technical Writing
At some time or another we all have to communicate using the written word, but all too often improving writing and communications skills are at the bottom of our “to do” list. Yet how many times has poor communications led to incorrect decisions or even downright confusion? We’re not alone either – look at this extract from public documents issued by one of the world’s leading banks: “Trade finance is designed to assist meet cash-flow shortages arising from a mismatch…
Continue ReadingUML – Business Context
“Where does UML fit?” is a common question among new (and not so new!) business analysts. We all know that the M stands for modelling but beyond this, perceptions start to differ. In its current form (V2.0) UML consists of 13 diagram types all of which provide a different view of a system. In the following extract from our Modelling Requirements with Use Case & the UML course manual we’ll take a brief look at which of the 13 diagrams…
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